100 Positive Affirmations To Say Everyday


100 Positive Affirmations To Say Everyday

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat until they become part of your subconscious mind and your new belief system. The practice of speaking daily affirmations can help you shift your negative thought patterns into positive ones. 

To get started, commit yourself to set aside time each morning and night to reprogram your mind. You can begin slowly with just five minutes in the morning and another five at night and gradually increase to 10, 15, 25, or 30-minute sessions. 

Make daily affirmations your new habit. According to most experts, it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. Start today and keep track on your smartphone or calendar each day you complete your goal to practice. 

 As it becomes part of your morning and evening routine, you'll start to notice a change in how you feel about yourself and your life.  

100 Positive Affirmations To Say Everyday 

Below are 100 powerful affirmations to jumpstart your day and empower you to become the confident, happy, successful person you want to be. 

  1. I am worthy of all my dreams and desires.
  2. I choose positive thoughts every day.
  3. I am intelligent.
  4. I radiate positivity.
  5. I am a good person.
  6. I choose to think empowering thoughts.
  7. Amazing opportunities exist everywhere.
  8. I am beautiful.
  9. I deserve the best.
  10. I trust myself to make decisions for my highest good.
  11. I've overcome challenges before and will do so again.
  12. I always have enough energy, I am MADE from energy!
  13. I love my body and all it does for me.
  14. I choose to be kind to myself and others.
  15. I am doing the best I can with the tools available to me.
  16. I am a magnet for amazing ideas.
  17. I am patient with myself.
  18. There are no limits to what I can achieve.
  19. I have the power to shape my life.
  20. I attract people into my life who accept me as I am.
  21. I let worry and anxiety go like clouds passing in the sky.
  22. I am allowed to have big dreams.
  23. When I put out positive energy, I get it back.
  24. I am in charge of my thoughts and feelings.
  25. I attract abundance quickly and easily.
  26. I am true to myself and my values.
  27. The universe wants me to succeed.
  28. I will never give up.
  29. I am at peace with myself.
  30. Other people's opinions do not affect my self-worth.
  31. I was created for a purpose.
  32. I am trusting the journey.
  33. I do not let anything dull my sparkle.
  34. I choose happiness for myself.
  35. I will be kind to myself and others today.
  36. I am a powerful, and I am not ashamed of it.
  37. I am completely free to be myself.
  38. I welcome challenges in my life as opportunities to grow.
  39. I accept and appreciate the diversity of my community.
  40. I believe in myself even if others do not.
  41. I release what no longer serves me and embrace what will.
  42. New and scary is not a bad thing.
  43. Everything I need is within me.
  44. I can love myself as I am while still striving to be better.
  45. I do not let my inner critic belittle me.
  46. I am reaching my full potential.
  47. I speak my truth and lead with my heart.
  48. My life is getting better and better every day.
  49. I deserve to be treated with respect.
  50. I exude confidence.
  51. I know that being uncomfortable helps me grow.
  52. I have the courage to step outside of my comfort zone.
  53. I choose to accept myself as I am at this moment.
  54. There is always enough of what I want and need available to me.
  55. I can make a difference in the world.
  56. I am not set in stone, I can change at any time.
  57. I am exactly where I'm meant to be.
  58. It is ok to ask for help when I need it.
  59. I choose to be happy right now.
  60. I am in charge of my life.
  61. I owe it to myself to chase my dreams.
  62. I know I'm making a difference.
  63. I am worthy of love.
  64. I am a magnet for success.
  65. I attract limitless miracles.
  66. I accept responsibility for all my decisions.
  67. I uplift and empower others to be their best selves.
  68. If others can achieve great things, so can I!
  69. I deserve the best from others and myself.
  70. Fear of failure does not control me.
  71. I don't ever fail. I learn, and I win.
  72. My ideas are valuable.
  73. I am amazed at what my body is capable of.
  74. I am a leader.
  75. The possibilities for my future are endless.
  76. Today is a gift, and I will make it great.
  77. There is no one else in the world like me.
  78. My limiting beliefs are just stories I've learned. I can write new ones at any time.
  79. Accepting responsibility for my choices empowers me to make better ones.
  80. I choose to treat others in the way I want to be treated.
  81. My strength is greater than my struggle.
  82. I accept myself the way I am.
  83. I love the person I am becoming.
  84. I have a unique and valuable skillset.
  85. My voice is just as important as anyone else's.
  86. I release pain from my past and anxiety about my future.
  87. There is a brilliant light inside me from which I can draw strength at any time.
  88. I see incredible opportunities everywhere.
  89. I can do anything I set my mind to.
  90. I trust myself to do what's best for me.
  91. I am smart and capable; anything I don't know, I can learn.
  92. I accept that some things are out of my control and release the desire to control them.
  93. I know the future has wonderful things in store for me.
  94. I am doing my best, and that is enough.
  95. I am grateful for everything I have.
  96. Something wonderful is about to happen to me.
  97. What I want, or something better is on it's way to me now.
  98. I give my best to my family, friends, and community.
  99. I will be present in every moment today.
  100. I am fully capable of achieving all of my goals.

Free Daily Affirmations

100 Positive Affirmations To Say Everyday